Demanding Justice…It Is Worth the Fight!

If you have ever asked the question: Is Demanding Justice Worth the Fight?  The answer is a resounding “Yes”.  I will never insist that the fight to demand justice will be easy…most things worth having are not an easy task to obtain. Be mindful that we must also live our lives to help those coming behind us.  There must be those who are willing to take a stand for justice, as our many predecessors did throughout history, even at great peril and sacrifice to themselves and their families. (a few of the many courageous persons I’ve studied include:  Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, Dr. Carter G. Woodson, Mary McCleod Bethune, Viola Liuzzo, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall)

I was recently informed that yet another African American owned MDOT contractor has allegedly been forced out of business by MDOT and MITA (Michigan Infrastructure Transportation Association) and has moved out of the state of Michigan.  While the majority businesses continue to be awarded prime contracts for millions of dollars, MDOTLetting_Stats-FY2012 (Pg. 12) companies owned by persons of color are continuing to experience discrimination on MDOT prime and subcontracts for construction and professional services contracts.  How long will this be allowed to go on?   Are the leaders in the state of Michigan ever planning to make strides to ensure a level playing field for all MDOT consultants and contractors?  As the Michigan Citizen article states, Governor Snyder CAN end discrimination at MDOT!

I plead with the U.S. Department of Justice to launch an investigation into violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which states that it is illegal to discriminate on Federally funded highway projects on the basis of race and sex/gender.

I continue on, even in the midst of the continued fight with MDOT where they have put their vast resources on my case to ruin my company, my reputation, and the health of myself and family members due to stress.  Instances of these retaliation tactics include the following;  An ongoing audit going back to 1999 where their internal documents state their goal to “Slam Dunk” my company,  withholding information from the Federal investigators, untrue statements within MDOT employee affidavits and intimidation of employees and professionals who were knowledgeable of the discrimination that occurred and still continues today.

The investigation findings in the case of BBF Engineering Services et. al. vs MDOT et. al. are compelling and an unfortunate example of continued discrimination and disparate treatment of African American owned companies.  BBFES_FHWA.MDOT_2011Report  BBFES_FHWA.ltr2011   I continue through the justice system with the goal of getting my day in court.

In Your Fight to Demand Justice, Stand Up For Your Life – Do Not Give Up!

Square Your Shoulders, Ask for Courage and Soldier On (Thank you God and the ministry songs of Kurt Carr for your words of encouragement).


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