Effective Ways To Managing Stress

From the Inside Out Effective Ways to Manage Stress

There are two primary types of stress. Here are the definitions:


Acute Stress – sudden; occasional; brief; you experience a sharp spike in your body’s reactions, but the experience of it does not stay with you for long or the stressor goes away quickly.  Example: a traffic jam or being late for an appointment.

Chronic Stress – ongoing; you may not notice it until you hit a physical, emotional, or psychological tipping point or threshold. Example: a stressful job or home environment.

Here are the two general approaches to coping with stress.

Reactive – an in-the-moment or immediate change in response to whatever has triggered your stress. Reactive approaches involve changing your behavior or mindset after the initial stress has occurred.

Proactive – a pre-emptive or prescriptive attempt to avoid or minimize the potential for stress. Proactive approaches also involve changing your behavior or mindset, but before the occurrence of stress.


And here are some stress management techniques.  Challenge yourself to try one you haven’t used before for a stressor you’re experiencing in your life now.  See how it impacts your mental and physical experience of the stressful situation.  If these are unfamiliar to you, look for information on the Internet.


Stress Management Techniques
· guided visualizations (audio recordings)

· change the situation/circumstance

· biofeedback

· group support

· get support from family and friends

· peaceful/inspirational reading

· relaxation response

· time out (quiet environment)

· hire a professional to help you

· take up a relaxing hobby or sport

· removing yourself from toxic situations, circumstances or people

· prayer

· good nutrition (for strong nervous system)

· regular exercise

· breathing exercises

· meditation practice

· time management

· simplify your life

· comfortable, relaxing posture

· massage/other body work

· preparing more thoroughly

· restful sleep


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