How to Survive If the Process Is Not Working for Your Situation

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I have often heard the phrase “everyone has a story to tell”.  Just know that YOUR story is important, even if you do not wish to indulge it, or believe no one will listen.  In these times, I see people minimized, abused, unprotected and devalued.  Tell your story here to the extent you desire.  See suggestion below revealing how to survive a difficult life circumstance and share how you are surviving.  I am currently surviving an ongoing saga to receive equal protection under the law in the midst of ongoing discrimination and retaliation by a Michigan agency.

  1. Develop a plan of action.  When you make a decision, stick with it!  Know why you are pursuing the issue and the outcome you desire. Remember, life is too short to be sad ALL of the time.
  2. Request a meeting with the person(s) or organization to resolve the issue.  If they refuse, continue with your plan of action.  Channel anger into positive energy to move forward to a resolution by following your plan of action.  Anger is good when it leads to positive action.
  3. Don’t give life to rumors and gossip by speaking about your issue with persons that do not desire the best outcome for you.
  4. Speak words of life over your situation:  Know that God is your refuge and your strength.  Speak positive words.  If you’re bold enough to say it, God is bold enough to do it!  Use your words to change the situation.
  5. Move yourself away from the negative circumstance and the people associated with it to create new paths for yourself.  Go where you are celebrated, not just tolerated!  When you get to the point that you are believing the negative comments about yourself that those around you are saying, it may be time to move away from your current environment.  Remember, you will believe what you say about yourself.  Declare “everything about me is getting better and better”.
  6. If you are involved with a legal situation, consult with a good, well respected attorney.  If you cannot afford one, contact organizations such as the ACLU, your local EOC (Employment Opportunity Commission)  or the Pro Bono program at your local law school or Bar Association to determine your options for consultation and representation.  Keep good documentation about your circumstance.
  7. Contact your local Congress person or political representative notifying them of the issue.  Forward the facts about your situation.  Make sure to follow up with a phone call and in writing.   If they do not respond, you will know where they stand.

Know that you have the strength to get through your situation.  Trouble won’t last always.

I am just one woman fighting for justice to effect change for many.  Know Your Strength Today!

Share your way(s) of being strong in an adverse life situation.  It will help someone get through theirs.